Kafka Docker Environment
This is a tutorial to get a Kafka environment using Docker. You can dive and check details in the git repository here.
Cloning git repository
$ git clone https://github.com/rancavil/kafka.git
$ cd kafka
Building the image
We are using Kafka version 3.0.0.
$ docker build -t kafka:3.0.0 .
Creating the container
We are going to create a container with Kafka.
$ docker run -d --name <container-name> -p 9092:9092 --hostname <your-hostname/ip address> kafka:3.0.0
Kafka container will listen through port 9092 (the standard port).
If we want to know what’s happening inside the container, execute the following command to see the log.
$ docker logs -f <container-name>
We can use the following example to verify if Kafka is working. We are going to use Python and their Kafka module. We will write a consumer and a producer.
The producer will send messages to the topic (called stream-1) and the consumer will read from there.
First, you have to install the Python Kafka module.
$ pip install kafka-python
Writing producer.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import kafka as k
if __name__ == "__main__":
hostname = socket.gethostname()
producer = k.KafkaProducer(
api_version=(0, 10, 1)
print("Sending data")
for i in range(1,101):
msg = f"Data {i}"
print(f"Sending {msg}")
future = producer.send("stream-1",msg.encode("utf-8"))
result = future.get(timeout=10)
The producer will write a simple text message through the topic (stream-1).
Writing consumer.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import kafka as k
if __name__ == '__main__':
hostname = socket.gethostname()
consumer = k.KafkaConsumer("stream-1",
api_version=(0, 10, 1)
print("Receiving Data")
for msg in consumer:
print (msg.value)
The consumer will read from the topic (stream-1) a simple plain text message.
Important: you must set up <hostname/ip address>. If you are in a local environment you can use localhost
You have to execute:
The producer.
$ python producer.py
Sending Data::
Sendind Data 1
Sendind Data 2
Sendind Data 3
In another terminal, you must execute the consumer. The consumer will wait until messages start to come.
$ python consumer.py
Receiving Data::
Data 1
Data 2
Data 3
Another way to test how the Kafka container is working.
Creating a topic
We will create a topic called TOPIC-TEST.
$ docker exec -i kafka-1 bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --topic TOPIC-TEST --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1
Writing some messages (events)
We must execute and write messages (events) using the TOPIC-TEST.
$ docker exec -i <container-name> bin/kafka-console-producer.sh — topic TOPIC-TEST — bootstrap-server localhost:9092This is an event with data
Another event
Reading messages (events)
This command executes a Kafka consumer and waits for events.
$ docker exec -i <container-name> bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh — topic TOPIC-TEST — from-beginning — bootstrap-server localhost:9092This is an event with data
Another event
The tutorial aims to provide an easy way to get a local docker environment for starting and working with Kafka as a development tool.